After Wonderland is a poster novel series created by illustrator Core Lo. It is a post-apocalyptic tale about struggles and survival of the animatronics animals that became sentient in the shattered wonderland.
"We are not in Wonderland anymore"
An explosion in 2896 terminated the core control of Wonderland's animatronics entertainment animals, their souls and consciousness were then ignited. Humans are long gone, the entertainment system’s afterimage remained, emptiness shrouded the animals’ hearts.
5 years passed, the animatronics animals gradually detached from the programmed shell and found their new self. They revive Wonderland from the old world and shuffle among city ruins for resources.
Though the old world has become history, the city remains patrolled by restless robots of Cheers Robotics. It turns into a challenge for the Wonderlanders to survive in this post-human world.
Meanwhile, deep down in the heart of the explosion crater, a sparrow’s song awakened an animatronics cat skeleton. His memory is long faded, except for his calling of a girl that repeats Jamie.
About the Creator
Core Lo is an illustrator and storyteller from Hong Kong. His work focuses on game and comic character design, as well as promotional materials for a variety of events and campaigns. His lively artistic style and vivid expressions in storytelling attracted commissions all over the world.
Core’s all-rounded skills attracted diverse clients and collaborators, including cultural organisations and musicians in Hong Kong, such as Alliance Française, Hong Kong Arts Center and Hong Kong Fringe Club. He lately works for local pop singer Ronald Cheng’s concert promotion (in collaboration with designer Jackey Cheung), and musician Hanjin Tan’s NFT project.
In 2020, Core started his poster novel series “After Wonderland”. He tells the melancholic story with a sense of dark humour, by creating retro-futuristic hand drawn posters and merch, with a rich and vibrant palette.